Decisions with Impact: Recycled Plastic vs. Bioplastics
Knowing that 80% of the environmental impact of a product can be mitigated at the design stage, the decision on the type of materials to use in our products was not just another decision. There were multiple factors to consider and weigh in the balance when making the decision: we needed the final result, both aesthetically and functionally, to be optimal and at the same time the environmental impact to be as low as possible throughout the product's life cycle.
The virgin plastics used in 99.99% of the world's electronics are of fossil origin, a non-renewable source whose exploitation is unsustainable, and therefore never an option for Hune. Faced with this scenario, two viable alternatives emerged. After in-depth research and advice, based on three critical lines of analysis, the conclusion was obvious.
01. Adequacy for the electronics industry
The main characteristic that the material had to present was its compatibility with the Technical Requirements for Electronic Devices and industry standards. That is to say: to comply with the appropriate physical and chemical properties that guarantee the safety of the devices and their users, throughout their useful life; showing heat resistance and electrical insulation.
While the use of the right type of plastic (recycled or virgin, in this case no different) ensures proper and safe performance, bio-based plastics such as those made from straw fiber or potato starch may have limitations in meeting performance standards in applications that demand high levels of durability, mechanical strength, or stability in adverse environmental conditions. Due to the inherent properties of biological materials, which are less robust than synthetic polymers, they are often blended with synthetic polymers such as polylactic acid (PLA) and other resins to overcome some of these limitations, improving their physical and mechanical properties but compromising their main characteristic, biodegradability, losing weight in the discussion.
0Impact on production
Bioplastics are derived from biological materials such as crops (corn, sugar cane, potatoes) or cellulose obtained from trees. This means that unlike conventional petroleum-derived plastics, they are derived from renewable sources, which in principle suggests a clear environmental advantage.
However, the global transition towards the use of bioplastics and their large-scale production could have significant environmental implications . It would force (even more) the expansion of the agricultural frontier, making extensive use of land for the planting of monocultures and intensive agricultural practices associated with the production of raw materials to meet the high demand, directly affecting not only an increase in deforestation, but also a high consumption of water resources, loss of biodiversity, soil degradation and reduction of land availability for food agriculture, thus posing a dilemma that is difficult to answer.
Meanwhile, there is excess plastic on hand waiting to be recovered to give it a new useful life. By using post-consumer recycled plastic, we avoid deepening extractive practices while preventing our lands and oceans from being flooded with discarded plastics.
In turn, manufacturing products from recycled plastic requires significantly less energy and resources compared to the production of new materials, whether virgin plastic or biodegradable alternatives. This results in a lower carbon footprint associated with their production, aligning with global greenhouse gas emission reduction targets.
Faced with the challenge of guaranteeing the origin of the raw material, it is important to have certifications that endorse it, which is why Hune requires all our production partners to have GRS certification that supports the fact that the raw material used in our products is of post-consumer recycled origin.
03. Life cycle and recyclability
Not all that glitters is gold. The narrative around product biodegradability, while seductive in its essence, raises critical questions about its actual implementation in our fight against pollution. The use of plant-based plastic must understand beyond point-of-origin benefits and assess its full life cycle. Labels are not enough; it is crucial to understand whether it can indeed be broken down by microorganisms in a reasonable time frame. This process, as "simple" as it may seem, actually requires specialized facilities for proper management. While biodegradable materials may seem an attractive option for reducing waste accumulation, the current waste management infrastructure in most parts of the world is not adequately equipped to handle large-scale composting of such materials.
Against this backdrop, post-consumer recycled plastic emerges as a tangible and effective solution. Managed through existing recycling systems, it offers a pragmatic solution in which its reintegration into the production chain not only prolongs its useful life in a more sustainable way, but also reduces the demand for extraction and handling of primary materials..
To be put into practice, and to close the circle, it is crucial to promote the active participation of the user in the recycling process at the end of the product's useful life, Hune emphasizes the importance of awareness and facilitates the correct management of "waste" through partnerships with programs such as JER - Junta, Entrega y Recicla -, and the recycling practices carried out by REMSA - Recicla Electrónicos México -, to recover materials and reintroduce raw materials to the productive chain, advancing towards sustainability objectives.
Adopting this vision not only reflects a commitment to reducing the environmental footprint, but also marks a step towards the materialization of sustainable practices that comprehensively respond to contemporary environmental challenges. No one is perfect, and we are no exception, but we understand that today, conscious of having made a choice subject to constant re-evaluation as innovation in materials and processes occurs, the most responsible way to make electronics casings is as we do at Hune, with origin-certified post-consumer recycled plastic.